Our Services
Mantooth Insurance offers the following services to Avon, Plainfield, Danville, Brownsburg, Monrovia, Martinsville, Mooresville, Bargersville, Greencastle, and All of Central Indiana: Personal Insurance: Auto Boat & Marine Condominium Earthquake Flood...
Ask ERIE: Does My Homeowners or Renters Policy Cover Me During a Move?
It's natural to wonder if all your stuff would be protected during the chaos of a move. Your first line of defense should be your mover's insurance. A good moving company will have its own insurance in case an item is stolen, lost or damaged in transit. (Having...
Hurricane Tracking Gets a Big Boost from New Satellites
When a hurricane is about to hit, time is of the essence. That's why weather forecasters try to give people in affected areas as much advance notice as possible. That effort will get a big boost this November. That's when four units of the National Oceanic and...
A Q&A with Life Insurance Awareness Month Spokesperson Danica Patrick
How to Help Hurricane-Proof Your Business
Whether you live on a coast or inland, hurricane season can spell trouble if you're not prepared for it. Peak hurricane season occurs in September and October, so it's not a bad idea to review your commercial insurance coverage to make sure you don't have any gaps....
How to Age Gracefully With Your Parents and Plan for the Future
Have you ever read the children's book Love You Forever, where the mother cares for her growing son until, as a grown man, the son cares for his aging mother? The story depicts a parent/child role reversal that many experience in real life. Talking about aging with...
4 Reasons Why You’ll Want to Work With One Insurance Company
There are lots of ways to get insurance coverage these days, but working with one insurance agent and company for your business, home, auto and life insurance has a lot of advantages. Here are four: Fewer worries – You've worked hard to build a solid financial...
Webinar: Best Practices for Employee Performance Appraisals
Yes, it may be time once again to schedule employee performance appraisals. Are you ready? To help ensure the process goes smoothly, check out the Performance Review webinar. In this 25-minute recorded presentation, you'll learn a lot about best practices and find out...
Google Glass for Risk Control
For quite some time, Google Glass was one of the most buzzed about technologies around. Yet while most people would want to use it for fun, Erie Insurance is looking to use it on the job. ERIE—which was the first insurance carrier to fly a drone to investigate a...
ERIE and Maria’s Message Continue to Spread the Safe Driving Message to Teens
Teen drivers have always been at risk due to their inexperience behind the wheel. Today, they face another obstacle in the form of constantly buzzing phones, screens built into cars and more. The facts show that distracted driving is a major danger. One person who is...